Connect with your food

know the farmer and the land your food comes from

Why should we connect with the land our food comes from?

  • To feel a sense of belonging – the soil, the land and the animals who lived on it make up who we are
  • To care about the land in a different way – when we are connected to the land, it matters what happens to it. We don’t want to poison it and mistreat it anymore. The land has become part of us and who we are and by mistreating it we would mistreat ourselves.
  • To feel good about our food – eating food is an incredibly intimate act. It literally becomes part of our cells as it replenishes our body. The animal that we eat is also what it eats and where it comes from. Therefore, the land and the soil ultimately become part of who we are. Happy soil = happy animals = happy people.
  • For the gratifying sense of knowing – finally we can relax and let go of suspicion that has been guiding us to search for the right food options

What is British meat?

British meat does not have to be raised on British land.

DEFRA states that “The country of origin on the packaging does not necessarily indicate where the animal was from. It may be where the meat was processed or where it was packed for consumer purchase.”

Relationship with food begins at the farm

Our ancestors have always grown their own food or it came from people and land they knew. In the past 80 years we have completely lost touch with our food, where it comes from and what needs to be done to produce it.

Our farmers

Explore who our farmers are and the land they are caring for.

Let our land to nourish you

Explore one of our meat box schemes

The amount of feed and fertilizers per 1 beef animal

As a calf, it is fed 100 kg of feed in a creep feeder:
60 kg barley
14 kg soya
23.5 kg sugar beet

growing steer (for 100 days) ratio:
350 kg barley
30 kg rapeseed

finishing steer (for 80 days)
600 kg barley

TOTAL feed per steer:
1010 kg barley
30 kg rapeseed
14 kg soya
23.5 kg sugar beet

Source: AHDB

Pesticide figure based on yearly application of pesticides on barley in 2018 (based on application to 0.17 ha that would produce 1 tonne of barley):

spring and winter barley were mixed in equal ratio for simplicity.
Pesticides in spring barley:
157.5 g
Pesticides in winter barley:
307.5 g

TOTAL 465 g of pesticides = to litres it is about 465 ml of pesticides per year.

Source: Pesticides usage survey 284 for arable crops in the United Kingdom 2018 (National Statistics)

Fertilizer figure (based on application to 0.17 ha that would produce 1 tonne of barley):
nitrogen: 24.14 kg
phosphate: 4.59 kg
potash: 5.95 kg
sulfur: 5.95 kg

TOTAL 40.63 kg of fertilizers

Source: British survey of fertilizer practice for 2018 (DEFRA)