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Together, let's Transform our health, the countryside and British food system towards ethical, sustainable future


Showing 1–12 of 42 results

What's in the cost?

Sustainable meat takes time and care to produce. There are no shortcuts. Shortcuts create meat that is poor quality or bad for the environment.

Find out what it takes to raise our animals and heal our land.

Why meat box from Nature Way Farm?

Finally, the only monthly subscription meat box in Milton Keynes. Each month you’ll receive selection of various sustainable meats, such as 100% organic grass fed beef and 100% organic grass fed lamb. Plus, our delicious woodland free range pork and pasture raised chicken and duck. All meats are raised to beyond organic standards. Free delivery in Milton Keynes.

What is beyond organic?

Organic standars were given to farmers so that they were regulated in how they raised their meat. However, our farmers farm beyond organic standards: they only ever use natural methods, stock lower than in organic standards, keep animals always outside, no antibiotics or other medicines are used. And no chemicals are ever sprayed on their fields. Since we are not in an industrial, anonymous system where organic standards are necessary, if our farmer does not have one, we are OK with that. If they have certified themselves organic, then it’s fine as well. Sometimes, it’s an economical decision as organic standards can get expensive and lots of time can get spent on it. Our farmers farm as we would have done, so whether they have a paper saying they are organic does not make any difference to us. In fact, majority of certified organic farmers do not farm in a way that we require – truly sustainable with attention to soil health, sequestering carbon and helping the wildlife. That’s what really matters to us.

The amount of feed and fertilizers per 1 beef animal

As a calf, it is fed 100 kg of feed in a creep feeder:
60 kg barley
14 kg soya
23.5 kg sugar beet

growing steer (for 100 days) ratio:
350 kg barley
30 kg rapeseed

finishing steer (for 80 days)
600 kg barley

TOTAL feed per steer:
1010 kg barley
30 kg rapeseed
14 kg soya
23.5 kg sugar beet

Source: AHDB

Pesticide figure based on yearly application of pesticides on barley in 2018 (based on application to 0.17 ha that would produce 1 tonne of barley):

spring and winter barley were mixed in equal ratio for simplicity.
Pesticides in spring barley:
157.5 g
Pesticides in winter barley:
307.5 g

TOTAL 465 g of pesticides = to litres it is about 465 ml of pesticides per year.

Source: Pesticides usage survey 284 for arable crops in the United Kingdom 2018 (National Statistics)

Fertilizer figure (based on application to 0.17 ha that would produce 1 tonne of barley):
nitrogen: 24.14 kg
phosphate: 4.59 kg
potash: 5.95 kg
sulfur: 5.95 kg

TOTAL 40.63 kg of fertilizers

Source: British survey of fertilizer practice for 2018 (DEFRA)